I am just returning from our U.S. Net Promoter Conference and our inaugural Net Promoter Certification in Miami. What an amazing collection of professionals applying Net Promoter to their business. I met people from all industries and at varying stages of implementation of Net Promoter.
anyone that attended it is clear that Net Promoter is a new approach
to building customer loyalty and driving growth. It comes at a time
when focusing on the customer experience is critical to
organizational success. Laura Brooks shared some statistics showing
80% – 90% of consumers trust word of mouth more than another other
source and that social media is creating increase in referral rates.
Never before has it been so important to understand loyalty in the
context of promoters and detractors of your brand. InfoWorld, Lena
West, also has live video with Laura and others on the InfoWorld
Social Networking 360 blog.
While the research community is debating the relative merits of Net Promoter vs. traditional loyalty indices, business leaders are moving on. They are finding the power of integrating Net Promoter to their business at all levels, across all functions. You will find many of these stories at the conference blog.
It’s clear, Net Promoter provides a measurement system everyone can understand and apply to their role in interacting with customers. Unlike traditional customer satisfaction surveys that provide periodic management reports, Net Promoter allows organizations to take action every day at every customer touch point. Is that customer a promoter or detractor? What can I do to change their experience and make them a promoter?
In our efforts to continue the innovation of Net Promoter, we have introduced the “NetWorked Promoter”. Those Promoters that are connected, credible and charismatic. These NetWorked Promoters have a much more significant impact on helping you grow. Do you know how to identify them? How to activate their referral behavior? For more information on this new research, download our new white paper (Net Promoter Economics: The Impact of Word of Mouth). A&E had a great case study where mobilizing their NetWorked Promoters, what they referred to as Super Advocates, allowed them to launch a WOM campaign that drove increase viewership at a faction of the cost of traditional marketing techniques. Learn more here.
I continue to remain bullish about the growth and adoption of Net Promoter. Any one of the 400+ attendees last week felt the power, heard the success of others and learned best practices to help their Net Promoter programs continue to mature. This has inspired me to write a new white paper capturing some of these best practices so stay tuned for that in the coming month.
While there is so much to share with you, I will leave you with one final thought. As we look at a potential recession economy, retention and growth of your existing customers will become increasingly critical to your financial success. The power to get others to refer while marketing budgets come under increased scrutiny is a powerful opportunity to extend your market reach. However, in order to obtain increased referral rates, you need to deliver a customer experience that creates more Promoters and less Detractors. That’s what Net Promoter can do for your business.